Saturday, April 05, 2008

Remembering him

Today my gramps died. It was a sad day. Lots of family was here to comfort him though. Its been really hard for me. Its the first death in the family that I have witnessed. Luckily we were all there when he took his last breaths. He was a good man and a good grandfather. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I have been blessed by this man and today he is with his father. Please pray for me in the following school week. I might take a day off but pray that I get over his passing soon. Thanks for all the support throughout his sickness. God bless. Love ya gramps.


Cam said...

jimmy, im really sorry this has happened. im praying for you guys

Dr. Jaz said...

yeah, i'm sorry to hear about this as well. hope you're doin alright

yimmy said...

thanks for the all support. it really helps. it was very difficult for me cause i was there when he passed :-( but thanks again

yimmy said...
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BK said...

Im praying for you and your family. I am sorry for your loss... your grandfather was an awesome man.