Sunday, December 16, 2007

I hate school again

so its 9:12 and im stuck here doing my english paper. no one to blame it on this time though. its just im feeling wierd today. its like im really board but i want to do something but im too lazy to do it. im just kinda stressed with school cause i need good grades and i have a bunch of big projects going on. AND JUST TO POINT IT OUT!!!! MR. HINDES DROPPED MY BASS TODAY AND THERES A BIG CHIP IN NOW!!! THATS THE SECOND TIME SO IF I SEE ANYONE EVEN GO CLOSE AS TO TOUCH THE THING I WILL SLIT THERE THROAT! ITS FINE AS LONG AS YOU ASK ME BEFOREHAND! ok anyways...i made a commitment last wednesday to not bake brownies anymore. its only been 4 days and i can feel the temptation. pray for me

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