Sunday, December 16, 2007


this happened to me at 1:00 in the morning!!!click on the image for a better look...

I hate school again

so its 9:12 and im stuck here doing my english paper. no one to blame it on this time though. its just im feeling wierd today. its like im really board but i want to do something but im too lazy to do it. im just kinda stressed with school cause i need good grades and i have a bunch of big projects going on. AND JUST TO POINT IT OUT!!!! MR. HINDES DROPPED MY BASS TODAY AND THERES A BIG CHIP IN NOW!!! THATS THE SECOND TIME SO IF I SEE ANYONE EVEN GO CLOSE AS TO TOUCH THE THING I WILL SLIT THERE THROAT! ITS FINE AS LONG AS YOU ASK ME BEFOREHAND! ok anyways...i made a commitment last wednesday to not bake brownies anymore. its only been 4 days and i can feel the temptation. pray for me

Monday, December 10, 2007

i hate school

i hate school. i know everyone is like "you shouldn't be complaining. you are only a freshmen" but i still hate it. today my spanish group members sold me out so i have to do a whole project by myself... i guess ill go bake some brownies to pass the time.......JK!!!! but seriously

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I hate CTA

basically i hate center for theater arts because they give me crap everyday and they tell me that im not trustworthy. they basically sit there and tear kids like me apart and younger. i hate CTA