Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Connection

Wow. I'm really glad that the youth band is kinda starting a new schedule of practices on Tuesdays. We are using this book from big stuf called 30 days of worship. I talks about how everyone worships all the time and how we have to know what we worship. We also talked about worshiping with excellence. After stepping out of the box on Wednesday I've had this weird feeling. I feel a new want to praise god. I just feel more excited for next Wednesday or Sunday. I really feel a new connection with god and I really know that this is what he wants me to do. Singing definitely brought my worship to a whole new level. I just hope that other people start to feel it too. And now I really really can't wait for big stuf. And after that I have to realize though. Its not how good the band is or how cool the lights are. It's the connection between god and you. You don't need big stuf or a church retreat to really praise god. See ya on Sunday. (I will be there)


BK said...

Great job at youth group Jimmy!

I am proud of you man. Thanks for being a leader.

Dr. Jaz said...

Glad you feel like you have a good connection

The Cougar Den said... new Blog!