Sunday, December 03, 2006

Life Update

Well, life sucks right now. I'm missing youth group because of wrestling and it's resulting in a spiritual low. I also have to keep my weight below 115 or else I get the workout of my life. And practices are every day till about 6:30, even on Fridays. It makes me really tired and it builds some unneeded enemies in school. It almost seems hypocritical because I know I'm supposed to be a good friend to everyone but it's really hard when you have to eliminate against the biggest f** in the world. Yes stuck up, mean, and good at wrestling. He is in my weight class and I have to face him to determine who starts. Right now I am 2nd string but it would always be nice to be 1st. This is really difficult with school on top of it. It seems that I am always behind on projects (like the one I'm working on now) and homework assignments, and it doesn't help to get home at 7:00. Well I have to get working, so pray for me and I'll talk to the coach to see if I can come to the Christmas party or something. (and play bass!)


Eric said...

Hey man, stick in there. I know exactly what that's like, and yeah it was really hard. But you know that God knows exactly why you are still wrestling and sooner or later, you'll know why God wanted you to wrestle this year. And I felt the exact same way about missing youth group, because it definitly helps to be there in your spiritual life. But just because you are not at youth group doesn't mean you can't have a close relationship with God. I know it's hard, but try and stay connected with God on your own. Peace.

Dr. Jaz said...

Hang in there Jammer. You can still serve God in wrestling. Just try to have a positive attitude (I know it's hard when you're really tired) and try your best. I'll be praying for you.

Cam said...

I never wrestled

Cam said...

and seriously i need my $60

BK said...

Jimmy lets talk more about this Sunday. Stay strong in your Faith. Don't give up. Keep at it young man.

Joseph said...

Hey man,
I want you to know that at one point i was exactlly where you are right now. I wrestled and absolutely hated having practice so late everyday. I couldn't concentrate because I was too tired and homework was a bear. I prayed about it and ending up quitting wrestling. I felt a lot better and was able to focus on God. Just pray, we are all different. God will direct you.

Cam said...

jimmy, you should learn the song "sweet emotion" by Aerosmith. Its a good song and has a bass intro and thats what thats all about.