Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Not so Christmas Fun (but still fun!)

I am accepting challenges...

Christmas Fun

Its been a long time but why not? And the last scene is bad.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All Who Are Thirsty

All who are thirsty

All who are weak

Come to the fountain

Dip your heart in the stream of life

Let the pain and the sorrow

Be washed away

In the waves of his mercy

As deep cries out to deep (we sing)

Come Lord Jesus come

Holy Spirit come

As deep cries out to deep

Monday, December 18, 2006

Anyone Thirsty? Part One

It's really hard to put into words what I am feeling right now. A lot has changed in the past 10 minutes as I have been thinking. Having to go to CTA almost directly after wrestling really gets to me sometimes. I ask myself: Why am I doing these worldly things. And you know what really sucks? I just remembered that I said I would make empanadas (Spanish food) for extra credit to bring class tomorrow and I didn't. I really needed these points because I have a 65% in that class. Sometimes things like that just build up on me. Its almost like I want to go to heaven right now and escape everything. But it will never be like that. I know that I want to live my life to the fullest and serve god in every way I can. But it contradicts its self. If god wants us to be happy then why doesn't he save us from this world? And why do we get caught up in worldly things like sports and money and school? Well, I know that god wants to use me to make a difference. And I want that too but its just so hard sometimes. It would be a lot easier if I didn't have activities planed until 9:30. Or if I didn't promise to make food for a class. It would just be amazing if I could be closer to god. Raising my hands and worshiping him, reading the bible every day, spreading his word to everyone, everything like that. I wish that it would happen right now, not at a big retreat like Big Stuf or a life changing vision. Now. But it all comes down to faith. Do you really believe? Do you believe that he is watching over us right now? Do you trust him with your life? Would you die for him right now. The problem is that we would all want to say yes to all these things but we can't. I know that I couldn't die for him right now. This is how god shows us his love. God is just so amazing to me and I want more.
Anyone Thirsty?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Life Update

Well, life sucks right now. I'm missing youth group because of wrestling and it's resulting in a spiritual low. I also have to keep my weight below 115 or else I get the workout of my life. And practices are every day till about 6:30, even on Fridays. It makes me really tired and it builds some unneeded enemies in school. It almost seems hypocritical because I know I'm supposed to be a good friend to everyone but it's really hard when you have to eliminate against the biggest f** in the world. Yes stuck up, mean, and good at wrestling. He is in my weight class and I have to face him to determine who starts. Right now I am 2nd string but it would always be nice to be 1st. This is really difficult with school on top of it. It seems that I am always behind on projects (like the one I'm working on now) and homework assignments, and it doesn't help to get home at 7:00. Well I have to get working, so pray for me and I'll talk to the coach to see if I can come to the Christmas party or something. (and play bass!)